Meh, okay so I figured I'd add something a little bit fashion related to this post. Here's pictures of what I wear daily.
Daily Wear:
I LOVE denim shorts, and I'd wear them year-round if I could. They're like jeans but better, since they show off my legs, and keep me cool on hot days. I cut the first two pairs from jeans that I didn't wear much, and I recently bought the third from Target.
Even though I can't really wear them (I wear glasses); I love sunglasses. The two aviator pairs are from my grandfather, he has a great sense of style too, and I'd really love to steal a pair of the glasses he has. The pair in the center are from Forever 21. I love the sunglasses there, and the "geek" glasses that they sell too. I'm considering getting a pair when I buy contacts this summer.
Pendant Necklaces and Bracelets:
If you regularly read my blog, then I'm sure you've seen my black elephant necklace as I wear it almost every single day. Partially because I love elephants, and also because I can't ever find my heart necklace. The heart necklace is another hand me down from my grandmother. I wore it a lot in the beginning of the school year, and I found it this morning soon after I got the idea for this post.
I'm not much of a bracelet-wearer, but I love all of these. One of my good friends bought me the Stop Global Warming Bracelet when she went on a trip to Canada, and I have yet to pay her back for it. I'm pretty sure that the bracelets can be found online though. The maroon bracelet is similar to those Livestrong bracelets, but it reads Argonauts, my school's mascot. All of the colored bangles are from my grandmother. I've never really liked bangles because I could only find them in silver and gold. I love all of the colors though, and they have glitter on them! How cool is that?
So those are all of my summer staples, and you'll be sure to see them in future outfit posts. Until next time!
School is finally over for the year. This means, I'm done being a freshman, I'm starting my first job fairly soon, and I'm definitely doing tons of partying. So anways, today I took my last two exams: language and math. I take second level Latin and I thought it was pretty easy for the most part, but math was a completely different story. Basically, as long as I get a C- I don't have to repeat it next year. Also, I'm defintely not taking Honors Algebra II, because that would be ridiculous considering how hard a time I had this time in Honors Geometry. So next year I'll be taking regular math along with many of my fellow honors friends, and also a large group of friends that took regular level geometry. I'll definitely make up for not taking honors math though, because I'll be taking AP Bio and Honors Latin III. Truthfully I'm a little scared for that, but I think that I'll do well because Latin and science are pretty much my best subjects besides English and there aren't any honors or APs for sophmore English. So anyways, let me focus on something BESIDES school. This summer I'm working at a summer camp as a counselor, and I'm unbelieveably excited for that! If I have a choice, I want to work with the really young kids (4-6) or kids closer to my age (12-13). I'm not really sure yet though. When I'm not working I'll probably spend a lot of time hanging out with friends, going to parties, reading tons of magazines, and just trying to have as much fun as possible. Honestly, I'm not really sure what this summer is going to bring, but I'm pretty sure it's going to be amazing. And then sophmore year? That's definitely going to be amazing, from what I hear, it's pretty much the most relaxed year of school, yes! Oh also, I figured since I was away I would share some outfits because I've been taking tons of pictures of myself and friends lately. Not like photography really, just random action shots, and them making tons of funny faces. I can't upload any of them yet though because I'm on my home computer because I lost the charger for my laptop. I'm going to get a new one soon, but it still sucks, cause it wasn't at school and it's not at home either. As soon as a I get my new one, there will be dozens of outfit pictures, you can definitely count on that. Well after this large-ish update, all of you readers should be pretty satisfied. I mean I've basically given you my life for the past two and a half weeks. Well, the parts that I'm willing to share. Until next time. Sammie |