
One Down, Seven To Go.

Yesterday I finished my first of eight weeks of working at Camp Best. I'm a junior counselor; I spend my mornings with a bunch of second graders, and the afternoon doing arts & crafts and cooking with first through fourth graders. For the most part, I love my kids to death but some of the kids in the camp are just well, ridiculous. A four year old boy was kicked out by the third day, because of his behavior. Craziness. Plus, I have a boy in my morning group who just can't listen! I think he had ADHD, but it's so difficult because I have to make sure he's doing what he's supposed to, and then watch all the other kids at the same time. Thankfully, I have plenty of others to help me. I'm with a counselor and two other junior counselors. Sadly, I don't get along with the counselor & one of the junior counselors, but it'll change soon. They have to split up the second graders because there's around 30 of them. Again, craziness. Overall though, I'm super excited for the next 7 weeks.

Meh, okay so I figured I'd add something a little bit fashion related to this post. Here's pictures of what I wear daily.

Daily Hair:
super high bun + my favorite black elastic headband

Daily Wear:
Camp Best staff shirt
a tank top (yellow, orange, or white)
various pair of denim shorts/black soffees
black elephant necklace
black strappy sandals
stop global warming bracelet + argonauts bracelet
My clothes are pretty simple because I'm running around with little kids all day. Still though, I always wear my black elephant necklace and black strappy sandals. I think I might be obsessed?


Lucky Number 7

I was tagged by both Mary of Hail Mary and Nay'Chelle of Austere to list my seven favorite songs at the moment. If you didn't already know, I LOVE music, and I'm really into singing, and I participate in honor choirs pretty frequently. So without any further ado in any particular order, here are my seven favorite songs:

Everybody Nose - N.E.R.D.
I absolutely LOVE Pharrell, and I love the group he created N.E.R.D as well. I'm pretty sure it's the sicknasty beats, and the amazingly amazing rapping skillz. Haha, yeah pretty much.

A Milli - Lil Wayne
Honestly, when I first heard of Lil Wayne, I hated him. The song Fireman really wasn't doing it for me at all. Later though, I heard Pop Bottles, Lollipop, and A Milli and I fell in love. For the most part, I only really only listen for the beat and music of the song, because it's great to dance to.

Summertime - DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince
This song is perfect for the summertime. It makes me think of relaxing, and sipping some lemonade, or in my case Arizona sweet tea, because I'm addicted.

Summer of `98 - The Secret Handshake
Summer of `98 was the first song I heard from the Secret Handshake and I immediately fell in love. I LOVE the electronic sound of it, and pretty funny. It's about a kid that wants to grow up and try to be cool over the summer.

Love In This Club - Usher
Who doesn't love Usher? Not only is he sexy, but he can SING. Any guy that has both of those qualities has my heart. His newest CD came out pretty recently and forgive me, I have no idea what it's called! But anways, I love the song and the sound of it, although the words are a little bit inappropriate for younger listeners. I mean really, it's about making love in a club.

Kelsey - Metro Station
A lot of people have recently become fans of Metro Station. I heard of them on MySpace sometime last summer, and I've been hooked since then. They kind of have that electropowerpop thing going on, and it's great. I love the song Kelsey, and I'd be head over heels for any guy who could sing it to me.

Black Mags - The Cool Kids
I love the big beats of The Cool Kids, it reminds me of 80's and 90's rap. I also love they can still be cool without talking about drinking, drugs, and trying to be "gangsta". I mean really, Black Mags is about riding bikes and picking up girls, nothing dirty.

So here are my seven, and now it's late and I have work tomorrow. Oh yeah! Now I have to tag, so how about this, anyone who wants to fill this out is TAGGED. I'll be looking around, so post your favorite songs, I wanna know.


TWLOHA (To Write Love On Her Arm)

So, this is what I do when I'm home all day. Dress like I'm going to hang out with people, and write on myself and of course take plenty of pictures. Fun, right? This all went down on Wednesday.

Yeah, my bra is showing more than a little bit. Shhh!
mudcloth vest: my grandmother
white v-neck: fruit of the loom
denim shorts: target
black elephant necklace: forever 21

Anyways, the whole TWLOHA idea is really inspiring to me. The organization helps people with problems with depression and other problems that go along with it like cutting. All the money that they raise from their tee shirts goes to places like the National Hopeline Network. I've never had a problem with this, but I know people who have, including my younger brother. To read more about it go to http://www.twloha.com/.


Super Sweet Sixteen.

Friday was my friend Natalia's Sweet Sixteen. Sadly, I didn't get any pictures of the birthday girl because a combination of my shortness and sitting pretty far away from her. She looked amazing though, like a fairytale princess. Anyways, here's a few pictures of my friends and me from the party for your enjoyment.
The Besties: Me & Kimberly
Colleen Alyssa (with my shades)
The Outfit:
Dress: Forever 21
Colored Bangles: Grandma
Gold Sandals: Old Navy
LOVE earrings: Forever 21

A few fun photos:


Outfits & New Buys

Last night, I went to the mall with my mother to find shoes for a Sweet Sixteen that I'm going to this Friday. I didn't find the exact shoes that I wanted, gold gladiators, but I did find an adorable pair of gold sandals.

The Outfit:
plaid vest - my grandmother
white v-neck - Fruit of the Loom
denim cutoffs - Hollister, cut them myself
stop global warming bracelet - Emily (my friend)
maroon argonaut bracelet - school
black elephant necklace - Forever 21

The Shoes:
They're from Old Navy and were only $19.50. Score!

Today, I'm doing a whole lot of nothing. That being said, I did put a sickass outfit together for my day at home. Basically, just in case i miraculously happen to go out which could happen considering my mother has a party to pick my younger brother up from later.

The Outfit:
scarf (worn as a headband) - my mother
white tunic tank - The Gap
teal tank - Old Navy
denim shorts - Target
black sandals - Target
black elephant necklace - Forever 21
stop global warming bracelet - Emily
maroon argonaut bracelet - school
colored bangles - my grandmother


Summer Staples

Ah, summertime. Two months of chilling, partying, working, and hanging out with friends. Since I've really had nothing to do yet, I've planned out all of my summer basics, or staples as some people say. So far, I've gotten a pretty darn good list.


All six scarves are from my mother's closet, and I'm almost completely sure I love them more than she does. Haha. Surely they'll be a little warm especially with this heat wave, but I can't get enough! They accessorize all my plainer outfits perfectly, and I adore all of the colors and patterns. I'll be wearing them all through the summer, and every other season.

Denim Shorts:

I LOVE denim shorts, and I'd wear them year-round if I could. They're like jeans but better, since they show off my legs, and keep me cool on hot days. I cut the first two pairs from jeans that I didn't wear much, and I recently bought the third from Target.


Both of these vests are from my grandmother, and I love them to death. She wore them frequently in the eighties and nineties and as a matter of fact, I have pictures of her wearing them when I was a baby. Her style's changed a lot, and she's become a little bit more "glam" in her clothing choices, so she handed them down to me.

Even though I can't really wear them (I wear glasses); I love sunglasses. The two aviator pairs are from my grandfather, he has a great sense of style too, and I'd really love to steal a pair of the glasses he has. The pair in the center are from Forever 21. I love the sunglasses there, and the "geek" glasses that they sell too. I'm considering getting a pair when I buy contacts this summer.

Pendant Necklaces and Bracelets:

If you regularly read my blog, then I'm sure you've seen my black elephant necklace as I wear it almost every single day. Partially because I love elephants, and also because I can't ever find my heart necklace. The heart necklace is another hand me down from my grandmother. I wore it a lot in the beginning of the school year, and I found it this morning soon after I got the idea for this post.

I'm not much of a bracelet-wearer, but I love all of these. One of my good friends bought me the Stop Global Warming Bracelet when she went on a trip to Canada, and I have yet to pay her back for it. I'm pretty sure that the bracelets can be found online though. The maroon bracelet is similar to those Livestrong bracelets, but it reads Argonauts, my school's mascot. All of the colored bangles are from my grandmother. I've never really liked bangles because I could only find them in silver and gold. I love all of the colors though, and they have glitter on them! How cool is that?

So those are all of my summer staples, and you'll be sure to see them in future outfit posts. Until next time!



Hot Hot Heat.

It's 90 degrees outside, and truly the first heat wave of my summer. Today I woke up super early for my first All State Honor Choir rehearshal. It was 3 1/2 hours of singing through music I'd never seen in my life and it was both intimidating and tiring to say the least. The extreme heat was instantly made better because of the great air conditioning at our practice space, and the many familiar faces from All Eastern Honor Choir. After that crazy practice, I went to CVS with my mother and picked up the latest CosmoGirl, and then walked to Baskin Robbins and ate an amazing oreo sundae. It was simply fantastic. Then I made my way back into the heat, and drove back home. So anyways, let me get to my outfit today. It was pretty basic, but kept me cool for the day, and I received plenty of compliments from girls I didn't know. Awkward, right? Pretty much.

v-neck tee: fruit of the loom, 5 for $8.99
denim shorts: mossimo for target, $5.23 (on sale!)

green & blue scarf: stolen from my mother

black sandals: xhilaration for target, $14.99

stop global warming bracelet: my friend emily, $5.99
maroon 'argo' bracelet: school

colored bangles: my grandmother



School is finally over for the year. This means, I'm done being a freshman, I'm starting my first job fairly soon, and I'm definitely doing tons of partying. So anways, today I took my last two exams: language and math. I take second level Latin and I thought it was pretty easy for the most part, but math was a completely different story. Basically, as long as I get a C- I don't have to repeat it next year. Also, I'm defintely not taking Honors Algebra II, because that would be ridiculous considering how hard a time I had this time in Honors Geometry. So next year I'll be taking regular math along with many of my fellow honors friends, and also a large group of friends that took regular level geometry. I'll definitely make up for not taking honors math though, because I'll be taking AP Bio and Honors Latin III. Truthfully I'm a little scared for that, but I think that I'll do well because Latin and science are pretty much my best subjects besides English and there aren't any honors or APs for sophmore English.

So anyways, let me focus on something BESIDES school. This summer I'm working at a summer camp as a counselor, and I'm unbelieveably excited for that! If I have a choice, I want to work with the really young kids (4-6) or kids closer to my age (12-13). I'm not really sure yet though. When I'm not working I'll probably spend a lot of time hanging out with friends, going to parties, reading tons of magazines, and just trying to have as much fun as possible. Honestly, I'm not really sure what this summer is going to bring, but I'm pretty sure it's going to be amazing. And then sophmore year? That's definitely going to be amazing, from what I hear, it's pretty much the most relaxed year of school, yes!

Oh also, I figured since I was away I would share some outfits because I've been taking tons of pictures of myself and friends lately. Not like photography really, just random action shots, and them making tons of funny faces. I can't upload any of them yet though because I'm on my home computer because I lost the charger for my laptop. I'm going to get a new one soon, but it still sucks, cause it wasn't at school and it's not at home either. As soon as a I get my new one, there will be dozens of outfit pictures, you can definitely count on that.

Well after this large-ish update, all of you readers should be pretty satisfied. I mean I've basically given you my life for the past two and a half weeks. Well, the parts that I'm willing to share. Until next time.
