
Pseudo Hipster Child.

Didn't do much today, I just went to get my eyebrows done and then went to Target. I felt like such a hipster poser with the v-neck + the skinnies + the scarf + the beret...but I liked it.
The Outfit:

pink beret - no idea?
grey oversize v-neck - Target
colorful printed scarf - Mommy
black elephant necklace, black rose earrings - Forever 21
darkwash skinny jeans - Zan Di (from Burlington Coat Factory)
new grey flats *pictured later on*

New Things!

1. navy blue blazer with purple piping - Old Navy

2. bronze gladiators - Target

3. grey flats + rose - Old Navy

4. blue batwing top - Target

5. light up speakers - Target

6. black beanie/beret - Target

7. silver sparkly tunic - Old Navy


Merve said...

love the dress &' the beanie :)

keira antoia rose said...

The berets look really nice on you. Good purchases, I like the shiny tunic.

xoxo Isabella Clarisse xoxo

yiqin; said...

Wow, I love your scarf, hat! Everything! happy New Year! :)

Shes Dressing Up said...

I love your elephant necklace!

Unknown said...

I loove the tunic and elephant necklace! I always check this blog out and I'm never disappointed, check my blog out and keep up the good work.`xo

Secretista said...

Cute pics! All the outfits are so stylish.

Ashley said...

verrryy cute new stuuff
&& i have that same black elephant necklace in tha last pik from forever riite?! kool