
The Sun Never Sets On A Badass.

*found on google.com while searching "elephant tattoos"

The tattoo I'm planning to get once I turn eighteen. Unless my mother changes her mind and lets me get one for my sixteenth birthday. Oh, and along with that I want to get my nose pierced as well.


sdfghjkl said...

i love itt!
but may i ask why an elephant? haha

Wahiba said...

I think the Elephant is soo random and cool!*

Buh YEAH, why did u choose an elephant outta all animals?

i thnk i wulda pickd a monKey..lol..i hve a thing for small cute monkeys..x

buh 4real thats relle cool so go 4 it + not many ppl hve it.

yiqin; said...

I have been wanting gold giadiators too! & the print on the scarf is amazing.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I wanted a star on the back of my neck but i dont know if it would look right. Maybe I should get it on my arm or something.