
Target Time!

So after toying with my camera for pretty much all of Saturday, I made it work decently. Miraculously, the greying subsided so I can see what I'm taking pictures of and it just works a whole lot better. Anways, on Sunday I convinced my mother to take me to Target so I could attempt to start back to school shopping and find some cheap school supplies. Thankfully, my trip was successful; I was able to find some school supplies, a couple locker accessories, and most important of all, clothes!

The Outfit:

white v-neck - Hanes
silk scarf - Mommy
black elephant necklace - Forever 21
dark wash skinny jeans - Zan Di Jeans -- Burlington Coat Factory
gold ballet flats - L.E.I. -- Grandma

As far as the new clothes, I got two skirts and two cardigans. I spent a while just playing around mixing and matching them in the dressing room.

the buys:
black v-neck 3/4 cardigan
teal long-sleeve cardigan
grey high waisted skirt
floral mini skirt

And finally, the school supplies!

As you can see, I'm pretty much in love with Spiderman. He's my favorite super hero, he always has been. Hmm, as of now I just feel ridiculously excited, I have new school supplies, new clothes, and a (mostly) working camera. Life is certainly sweet at the moment.



Because of the applesauce + camera incident, I don't have any new outfit pictures to share. But here are some cool pictures that I've taken (of myself) on both my camera and photobooth and photos that I've seen and saved from different websites.

Hopefully all of these keep you readers entertained!



Yesterday I wrote up a new post, and it didn't work! It was the dead camera explanation and some other stuff. Ugh, I'm still hopping mad about the post not going through, but I'll try again either tonight or tomorrow, so hold on till then!


Money In The Bank.

I received my first paycheck on Monday! It was only $225 but hey, money is money. I took out a little less than half ($100) and went shopping with one of my best friends, Jasmin yesterday. There were so many things that I was pining over, but I kept it to the bare essentials; jeans, a purse, and a wallet. They're all amazing!

Sadly though, I can't take any pictures because I broke my camera. Long story short, I had a pretty crazy incident with exploding applesauce. Dayum. I guess I could buy one with my next paycheck? Hopefully.

Well tata for now, I have to get ready for my mom's best friend's birthday party tonight. Peace.


So I figured since I can't post outfits for a while, I might as well do something interesting. So ask me any question that you'd like and I'll answer in the next post!


Happy (Belated) Fourth of July!

Happy Fourth of July! Yes, I know I'm a little late, but I had things to do. Instead of doing the usual cookout and fireworks, my mother and I went to see Wall-E and it was adorable! I would suggest it for kids & their parents but I'm not really sure how much teenage boys would like it though. My brother absolutely refused to go see it and he's thirteen. Instead of going to see the fireworks, we watched them from home because of the on and off rain. They were still great though!

The Outfit:
white crew-neck tee: Hanes
yellow tank top: Old Navy
scarf: my mother
stop global warming + argonauts bracelet
denim cutoffs: made them
gold sandals (not shown): Old Navy


Because I Like Taking Pictures of Myself!

Outfit pictures! From Sunday obviously because I no longer wear normal clothes since I've started work.

The Outfit:
white v-neck - Fruit of The Loom
floral scarf - my mother
teal tank top - Old Navy
black soffees - Kohl's
Faces. Dayumm, I'm kinda cute!