draped sweater - h&m/leopard bandage skirt - h&m/tights - target/buckled boots - dolce vita for target/earrings - f21/circle scarf - h&m
Today was the last day of the first semester! Basically, classes were spent going over exams...well, not for me; I ended up only getting my AP Lit exam back. Some of my teachers haven't finished grading & others have to wait on people doing make up exams. No worries though, I'm sure I did fine. After school I got Starbucks & pizza with the other basketball managers before a game with one of our really big rivals. Thankfully, we won so we beat them TWICE this season. So epic.
Anyway, beginning tomorrow I'll be a worry-free second semester senior. This will be the first time in my life that I will have the chance to learn for the sake of it. No pressure about advancing to the next class or worrying about what college will choose me...they'll make their decisions based upon my first semester. Essentially, I'll be living the good life. Ugh, cannot wait for this.